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One Square Mile of Hope
for 2024 was definitely a day to remember. Clear skies and warm weather. We will be getting all the numbers out soon.
Local EMS check presentation:
Eagle Bay
Raguette Lake
Big Moose
Golisano Children’s Hospital of Syracuse (Left/Top) and Rochester (Right/Bottom) receiving their checks from One Square Mile of Hope’s Co-Chair, Brenda and some the volunteers.
Kiwanis Club International of Farmington/Victor, our supporting not for profit organization. We couldn’t have made this such a success without your support.
What is One Square Mile of Hope?
We are fun and fundraising all wrapped up in one package. Do you want to be able to tell your friends and family you are a World Record holder? Want to feel good about supporting some great causes that serve children and regional communities? Want to meet and make a few new friends that share your love for the great outdoors? Then you need to come to Inlet, NY this September 14, 2024 for our 10 year anniversary event to break our record. We raise funds while creating a flotilla of canoes, kayaks and guide boats on beautiful Fourth Lake. The event is centered around a health fair, food, and music. Keep exploring to learn more.
Lets meet some of the organizers!
Adele Burnett (Event CoChair) - has lived in Inlet her whole life; currently the tourism director for the Town of Inlet; happy to raise her four children (and now grandchildren!) in this small town in the middle of the woods.
Brenda Knoeller (Event CoChair) - is just rounding out her 3rd year as a full time Adirondack resident. She moved permanently to the area after being a part time resident for 40+ years. After several years of working her way up from a casual volunteer to a more active player in the Black Fly Challenge, and feeling the dynamics of the area, decided this was the area she and her husband would like to retire. She has participated in the last 2 Square Mile events, has always had a great love of the water and after talking with Adele, decided she was ready for the task of Co-Chair to make the 2024, tenth anniversary OSM a successful event. She has 3 children and 8 grandchildren, 3 of those living locally as well. When she’s not volunteering her retirement job is the full time Finance Manager at the Adirondack League Club.
Angela Fisher (Event Treasurer, Rafles) & Jim Fischer (Logistics) - long time lovers of the ADK’s.
Kathy (Dr.) Marjinsky (Event Secretary) - A recently retired school psychologist she continues to teach college part-time and has kayaked many of the lakes and tributaries in and around the Finger Lakes (and some in the ADKs). She participated in the three previous One Square Mile events and whenever someone with one of those “fancy boats” looks down on her plastic boat (Old Town Dirigo), she looks them squarely in the eye and says, “this boat has helped to break a world record – what you got?!” So happy to be a part of this!
Dennis Hudson (Event Communications/Safety) - brings his 35 years experience of Communications to events in the Inlet area; he’s an Inlet resident and member of Inlet Fire and EMS; he works as a technology consultant.
Rob Kelsey (Website) - has been a third generation Adirondack Park visitor since shortly after birth. After a lifetime of summering in the Raquette Lake area and participating in One Square Mile 2014, he was excited to volunteer and help in this year’s event. Working remotely, he was able to develop the website while helping at OSM remote locations and with other committees.
Renee Link (Event Registration) - an avid kayaker whose goal is to paddle as may new lakes as possible each year.... AND to cross country ski as many new trails during the winter. The Adirondacks provide endless options and is a wonderful place to explore!
Linda Goldsworthy (Heath & Wellness Fair) - is a retired corporate executive with over 25 years in health insurance and the healthcare industry. After raising their twins in Baldwinsville NY and vacations in the ADKs, she and her husband Jim are full time residents of Inlet and Forestport. In retirement, she volunteers for all sorts of things to keep busy and be helpful.
Janet Cardella (Merchandise) - has been a seasonal resident since 2009, and most recently as a full time resident, who is thrilled to be living in her happy place. She has embraced living in this community and is proud to be part of the boards of the Inlet Mighty Loons, Inlet Area Community Task Force and the Inlet Area Business Association.
Leslie Maurer (Merchandise) - a new resident of the Adirondacks on Fourth Lake after spending years visiting the area; retired marketing exec who “un-retired” to work at Great Camp Sagamore, a truly remarkable and inspiring historic destination; loves the beauty of Fourth Lake in all seasons, especially when exploring by kayak with family and friends.
Margie O’Hara (Event Press Releases)- retired English teacher who is soooo happy to be living in Inlet...you CAN go home again!
Joan Seiffer - since 1963, the Fulton Chain of Lakes, mainly First Lake and Fourth Lake, has been her home away from home since she’s had her fondest memories as a child. Her family had a cottage in Hollywood Hills overlooking First Lake. As she’s aged with her family, and 8 siblings, they have been able to pass along their tradition of staying in Inlet and Old Forge for over 60 years and 3 generations including her children. Devoting her time to helping the committee of OSM after participating in 2014 during a remarkable event, has been an honor in supporting all recipients of the donations raised.
Diane Brewer-Hawes - was a participant in the 2011 and 2014 One Square Mile of Hope events. Having lost her mom to breast cancer in 2000 and being a cancer survivor herself, Diane is always passionate about supporting a great cause. Since her childhood, Diane has called the ADK her “happy place”.
Melanie Straub - has been coming to Fourth Lake and the Inlet area since 1983. She and her husband Andy bought his parent’s camp in 2008. After retiring 2 years ago they moved here permanently. Both Melanie and Andy love hiking, kayaking and the beauty of the Adirondacks. So excited to be part of One Square Mile of Hope again!
Liz Forsell - Raquette Laker since 1980, Postmaster Retired volunteer for most anything and everything. Mother of three and grandma. Busy is my middle name.
Michelle Bartlett - in her 10th year as owner/operator of Life in the ADK, her passion is promoting all things ADK. Although she is not a native to the area, her favorite quote is "I'm not from the Adirondacks but I got here as fast as I could!"
Special Thanks to
Mountainman Outdoor Supply, Melinda Kelsey, Matt Holcolm, Peter Funk, Scott McCarley, Kurt Gardner, Tom Payne, Central Adirondack Sailing Association, Eagle Bay Village, Rivett’s Marine, Rocky Point Properties, Peter’s Cottages, Sunset Beach Cottages, Stiefvater’s Cottages, Nelson’s Cottages, Frisky Otter Tours, The Woods Inn, The Birches, Inlet Marina, Inlet Community Church, Screamen Eagle Pizza, Town of Inlet, Town of Webb, Hale Transportation, Eggan Excavating & Equipment, Kiwanis of Farmington-Victor, local emergency personnel and the 100+ volunteers who helped make this day happen!
Golisano Children’s Hospital of Syracuse
Golisano Children’s Hospital of Rochester
Nationally Ranked in Three Specialties!
Golisano Children’s Hospital has been ranked among the best in the nation by U.S. News & World Report in three specialties: Neonatology, Nephrology, and Pediatric Cancer.
Local First Responders
Some local Adirondack region emergency services will receive a portion of funds raised.
Globally, Kiwanis clubs raise over $100 million each year to strengthen communities and serve children. Kiwanis club of Farmington/Victor is sponsoring this event allowing donations to be tax exempt.